Kallsjön Raststuga

Rest cabin   62.68248056,18.04535
Sweden, Västernorrlands county, Härnösand


Fin raststuga med eldstad inuti.
OBS: Stugan är låst och ingen information finns uppsatt, så troligtvis är den privat.

Looks modern build, lovely inside but you're not able to rest inside. Is locked by an electric keypad and no information to be found anywhere on how to open.


Nice rest cabin with fireplace inside.
NOTE: The cabin is locked and there is no information posted, so it is probably private.

Looks modern build, lovely inside but you're not able to rest inside. Is locked by an electric keypad and no information to be found anywhere on how to open.

Kallsjön Raststuga

Kallsjön Raststuga

Kallsjön Raststuga

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