Easy Elsie vindskydd
Shelter for sitting 67.00791472,19.72632232
Sweden, Norrbottens county, Jokkmokk
Jielkká-Rijmagåbbå nature reserve
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Breda bänkar som skulle kunna gå att sova på.
Toalett finns i närheten.
Ligger vid vraket av bombplanet "Easy Elsie" som tvingades nödlanda på myren 1944. 2 km till vägen, nås via spångar.
Wide benches that could be used for sleeping.
Toilets are nearby.
Located at the wreck of the bomber "Easy Elsie" which was forced to make an emergency landing on the marsh in 1944. 2 km to the road, accessible via footbridges.
Located in Jielkká-Rijmagåbbå nature reserve. Respect any special rules regarding tenting, firewood collection, fire, etc. which apply to this area.