Gropholmarna Vindskydd

Shelter for sleeping   60.53661,17.4341
Sweden, Uppsala county, Älvkarleby
Upplandsleden Gropholmarna nature reserve

Fireplace Grill Firewood Water (unknown quality) Place for tent Swimming

Parking: 200 m Sleeps: 5

Ligger fint vid Dalälven i naturreservatet Gropholmarna.
Grillplats framför vindskyddet samt bänkbord nere vid vattnet.
Det finns plats att slå upp tält.

Svårt/omöjligt att nå med cykel (led från söder)


Nicely located by the Dalälven River in the Gropholmarna nature reserve.
Barbecue area in front of the wind shelter and bench tables down by the water.
There is space to pitch a tent.

Difficult/impossible to reach by bike (route from the south)

Located in Gropholmarna nature reserve. Respect any special rules regarding tenting, firewood collection, fire, etc. which apply to this area.

Gropholmarna Vindskydd

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